The Disney Channel has announced a new Disney Channel Original Movie titled “Frenemies.” The movie follows three pairs of friends as they try to find a balance when “besties go to worsties, and back again.” The movie is set to arrive on the network in 2012.
“Frenemies” was written by Dava Savel, Wendy Weiner and Jim Krieg. The movie will be directed by Daisy Mayer and produced by Les Morgenstein and Bob Levy. “Frenemies” is a production of Alloy Entertainment.
We’ll keep you posted with any new details that arise!
heyy just wanna fill u in..i heard bella thorne, zendaya, and stefanie scott r filming leads in that movie! ohh and its in toronto, canada and films til may 26 and started in late April
ReplyDeleteThnx! I'm sry I havn't updated the blog for some time so I didn't post any new updates.
ReplyDeleteThis is great :D I cant wait for the movie to come out. Thanks for the update (:
ReplyDeleteCool.I hope Bella and Zendaya are friends,because currently,they are my favorite girl-mance(first being Olive and Chyna from A.N.T.Farm).