Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is Tish Following in Miley's Footsteps?

Miley's number one fan? Her mama.
We all love Miley Cyrus, but no one's more obsessed than her mom. In fact, Tish thought it was so cool that Miley legally changed her name from "Destiny Hope" to "Miley Ray" that she decided to do the same thing. Yep- Mama Cyrus is officially ditching her full name, Latecia. From now on, she's just "Tish"! 
I'll admit that the mother-daughter love between these two is cute. But come on, Tish! Is your daughter supposed to be your role model? I thought it was the other way around! Aren't you suppsoed to be Miley's role model.
What do you guys think?

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